What is ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System?
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is the international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). Organisations around the world demonstrate their environmental performance by controlling the impacts of their activities and by a commitment to an international standard known as ISO 14001.
Need some assistance developing your own ISO 14001 environmental management system?
We specialise in developing the highest quality environmental management systems to ensure our clients fully meet the requirements of the ISO 14001. We design our environmental management systems to be logical and simple, yet effective in managing environmental risk and improving environmental performance.
We can also help your organisation with conducting; internal audits, the collection of monitoring and measurement information, preparation assistance for management review meetings, and the provision of extensive ISO 14001 environmental management system development. We are also able to provide the following services:
- Conduct initial environmental reviews to identify the environmental aspects of the organisation’s products, services and activities;
- Conduct ISO 14001 environmental management system gap analysis audits and provide extensive recommendations; and
- Document development and mentoring.
What are the benefits of ISO 14001 certification?
Many tenders, government contracts or supply arrangements require certification to ISO 14001. It is either a mandatory requirement or it plays an important role in the decision-making process.
Certification provides confidence to stakeholders that you are running a sustainable business. Whether it is investors, partners, clients, workers, interest groups or industry bodies they can take confidence in your processes, systems and management.
Certification also helps your organisation manage risk and make improvements. The process provides an independent view on your organisations processes and systems. The audit process will help you identify if there are gaps, opportunities for improvement, inconsistencies or issues within your management system.
We can assist your organisation identify suitable service providers in your local region.
Are there alternatives to certification?
ISO 14001 certification is a voluntary scheme however there is increasing pressure by customers for their suppliers to be ISO 14001 certified. As an alternative to ISO 14001 certification organisations could consider developing and implementing an ISO 14001 EMS but only having it internally audited or audited externally by an independent and experienced Environmental Auditor. This may reduce the financial burden where ISO 14001 certification isn’t specifically required but whereby organisations still require a robust ISO 14001 environmental management system.