Our consultants are recognised as suitably qualified persons, certified environmental practitioners and auditors.
Our aim is to contribute thought leadership, drive innovation and keep building on our strong reputation. We have an important role to play in driving thought leadership which supports our clients to achieve their aspirations for sustainable economic and social development. Our staff are members of professional institutions and are passionate about sustainable development and protecting environmental, cultural and social values. We support their career development through mentoring, exposure to new challenges and providing a friendly environment to work in.
Andrew Cuttriss, Company Director
(MPhil) Master of Philosophy, (BSc) Bachelor of Applied Science Degree, (Dipp App Sc) Diploma of Applied Science (Ass Dip App Sc) Associate Diploma of Applied science (Cert IV) Project Management, (Cert IV) Government Statutory Investigation & Enforcement, Certificate Lead Auditor – Environmental Management Systems & Management Systems Auditing ISO 190011:2018 & EM – Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001:2015.
Andrew Cuttriss established Ecobalance in 2010 as an organisational development and ecological planning business to address the lack of high-quality affordable services that were available to assist Aboriginal organisations, the corporate sector and government agencies increase their effectiveness, efficiency and ecological stewardship.
Andrew has delivered numerous projects to both the private and public sectors, and has a comprehensive understanding of government policies and demonstrable experience in mentoring Aboriginal organisations.
His technical skills also extend to high level marine environmental impact assessments, both international and domestically; performance management mentoring, successional planning and aspirational and strategy development. Andrew has met many inspiring people who have shared their ideas and philosophies, allowing him to continually refine his business practices to provide innovation and high quality.
Steve Brooks, Senior Consultant
(BSc) Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks and Recreation); a (Dipp) Diploma of Horticulture and an (Ass Dip App Sc) Associate Diploma of Applied Science.
Steven has more than 25 years’ experience in organisational planning and program delivery within federal, state and local government agencies. He has a comprehensive understanding of political systems and demonstrated experience in shaping and mentoring organisations. Steven has a pragmatic approach to administering natural resource management programs within government and community sectors. His competencies extend to: the delivery of community consultation programs; conflict resolution within the workplace; performance management coaching; and ecological planning.
DR Michael Clarke, Chief Technical Advisor
(PhD) in Environmental Sciences, (MSc) in Aquatic Ecology & (BSc) in Applied Biology
Dr. Michael Clarke is a seasoned and accomplished environmental scientist, and has worked as a consultant for the past 10 years in the Australian and South East Asian markets. He is certified as both an Environmental Practitioner and Environmental Impact Assessor by the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ), and has managed Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for major infrastructure projects throughout the SEA region.
In recent years, Michael’s focus has been on the renewable energy sector, and he has managed ESIAs for major hydropower, wind and geothermal projects in Pakistan, Myanmar and Vanuatu. In the Australian market, he has been heavily involved in the mining sector, and has written Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for major coal mining projects in the Galilee Basin in Central Queensland. This documentation was successfully used to help the proponent obtain a Mining Development Lead (MDL) and other regulatory approvals.
Michael has project managed, and provided technical input (biodiversity, fisheries climate change, marine resources), for a number of large international water and renewable power and distribution projects in Australia, Egypt, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Uganda, Malawi, Southern Sudan and Indonesia.
Clive Ahoy, Aboriginal Engagement & Affairs Advisor
Clive Ahoy is a proud Gumbainggirr/ Dunghutti Aboriginal man from the Northern Tablelands region. Clive is responsible for imparting all cultural activities and community liaison as he has blood links to all 3 local nations, Gumbangiir, Anaiwan and Dhungutti tribes.
Clive is one of the original founding members of Banbai Land Enterprises and has been a board member on the Gwydir/Border Rivers Catchment Management Board and the Northern Tablelands Native Vegetation Committee. Clive has been proactive in Aboriginal affairs for over 20 years and is passionate about Aboriginal youth and business program development.
Clive has extensive knowledge of the ATSI history and families of the Northern NSW and has years of experience involved in other ATSI local, state and federal government initiatives. Clive has also established Sunrise Aboriginal Corporation.
Michael Lieberman, NRM Advisor
(BSc) Bachelor of Applied Science & (Dipp) Diploma in Front Line Management.
Mike Lieberman has extensive experience in natural resource management at both strategic and operational levels. Having worked in the industry for over 20 years in private and public conservation initiatives, including private conservation measures, fire management (including hazard reduction and wildfire management), environmental planning and assessment, ecological monitoring, cultural heritage planning and assessment, environmental education and interpretation, visitor and recreation management and integrated pest management planning. He has worked as part of Incident Management Teams both in NSW and Tasmania during wildfire suppression. He has also worked closely with local Aboriginal communities in co-management and other on-park programs.